Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Process of Planning a Party Research Proposal

The Process of Planning a Party - Research Proposal Example As a college student, my personal experience on holding party was a few days after I had received my results of passing to the next level and academic year. This greatly motivated me to hold a house party in order to celebrate this achievement. After deciding on a location that was outdoor within our compound, I felt it was the right idea to make a list of people who will be attending my bash. This list included mostly my colleagues though my relatives and family members were also included. I also allowed everyone to bring with them a friend if they were single not forgetting to caution them about respect for the party. This was because the party had even my family members and relatives present. With the friends of the invited guests present, I was very sure the party will be extremely lively. I thereafter filled my invitations and got them in my mail. Hand delivery was an alternative for the friends and relatives I failed to reach through the mail. This was done earlier before the e vent in order to get down to my party details. My party, of course, had a guest of honor that was my dad. This was my suggestion for it gave us an opportunity as college students to get advice from this wise man. The date I had set was on a Friday. This was a holiday hence, most people were free during the daytime. My preparation for the day was short and I had to advise my mum on how to go about my party. It is always a good idea to get with someone close to you for a bit of advice on how to decorate, type of food to eat and on the positive and negative impacts of holding a party. Advice is vital while planning for a party for if you get wrong advice then the whole party is prone to be ruined (Ideas & Liz 23). The decision on the budget should be within the range that is not very expensive and not very cheap as well. The questions I asked myself included the amount I wanted to spend which made me budget while putting into consideration the amount of money I had set aside for my par ty. The food combination was so simple and it consisted of drinks plus a few snacks. This is because the party was during the day and most of my guests were to leave by evening hours thus there was no need for heavy meals. When it comes to music, there is no lively party without music. This sets the mood as well as the tone of the party. The music genre included techno music, pop music, and some cool afro-fusion music, which every guest seemed to be greatly impressed with. Some party games were also set up. Routine dance as one of my best party game made everyone very happy. Lastly, the party had various ways and use of the cautions and warnings and the guests as they were all college students had to seek their parents’ permission in order to attend my party. Seeking permission should not only be applied to the person holding the party but even the guests in my case for we are teens and could end up messing up at the party.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Detection of Copy Move Forgery

Detection of Copy Move Forgery J.Reethrose B.E., Dr. J. P. Ananth M.E., Ph.D., Abstract—Digital images are easy to manipulate and edit using some editing software. So it is difficult to identify the duplicate images. Copy-move manipulations are common form of local processing, where parts of an image are copied and reinserted into another part of the same image. The problem of detecting the copy-move forgery describes an efficient and reliable detection and detects duplicate image regions. Most detection algorithm focused on pixel basis. In this paper propose a new approach to detect forgery image such scale, rotate, etc. Keywords—copy-move forgery, SIFT, LSH, RANSAC. INTRODUCTION Copy-move forgery is one of image tampering, were a part of the image is copied and pasted on another part of the same image. This copy-move forgery is easily done by some editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. Normally the human eye does not easily find out the copied region. The regions may be scaling or rotation type of manipulations. The goal of copy-move forgery is detecting duplicate image regions. The most common image manipulation techniques involve the following Removal of objects from the image. Addition of objects in the image. Change the objects appearance in the image. The most common of these three manipulations is removal of undesired objects from the image. Digital image forgery detection techniques are classified into active and passive approaches. In active approach, the digital image requires some pre-processing such as watermark embedding or signature generation at the time of creating the image, which would limit of their application in practice. Moreover, there are millions of digital images in internet without digital signature or watermark. In such scenario active approach could not be used to find the authentication of the image. Unlike the watermark-based and signature-based methods; the passive technology does not need any digital signature generated or watermark embedded in advance. Fig 1.1 Classification of Forgery detection techniques GENERAL DETECTION PROCEDURE Copy move manipulations result in duplicate image regions, which practical forensic analyses examine in terms of robust feature representations of parts of the image. Analyzing the image is very important before the preprocessing. After optional preprocessing (e.g., color to grayscale conversion), the image is transformed to the feature space. Feature representation is finding the duplicate region. There are so many methods used to find the duplicate image such as DCT (Discrete Cousine Transform), DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), and PCD (Principal Component Analysis). A set of feature vectors represents local image characteristics and is inspected for similarities in a matching procedure. This is achieved either by splitting the image into small blocks, which are then transformed separately, or by finding salient key points and extracting feature vectors based thereon. The matching procedure is finding the similarity of duplicate image blocks. Some of the matching algorithms are k- d tree, Sorting, Nearest Neighbour Search, and Hashing. Similar feature vectors or their corresponding coordinates in the image plane. False positives in the matching procedure are pruned in a final error reduction step. The error reduction step is finding the duplicate image region. Fig 2.1 General copy move detection pipeline PROPOSED SYSTEM Accordingly, digital image forensics has emerged as a new research field that aims to reveal tampering operations in digital images. A common manipulation in tampering with digital images is known as region duplication, where a continuous portion of pixels is copied and pasted to a different location in the same image. To make convincing forgeries, the duplicated regions are often created with geometrical or illumination adjustments. There are various method used in the existing system. DWT (Discrete Wave Transform) used to reduce dimensionality reduction. But it does not find the rotation and scaling. Lexicographic Sorting and Counting Bloom Filters are also used in the existing system. But it cannot find solution of scaling and rotation. It does not remove the noise. The Zernike moment is easy way to find the copy (-rotate-) move forgery. This method is still weak against scaling or the other tempering based on Affine transform. Existing System has the drawback of computational com plexity and does not find accuracy of the duplicate image regions. In recent years, several methods have been proposed to detect region duplication for the purpose of image forensics. These methods are based on finding pixel blocks that are exact copies of each other in an image. Such methods are most effective for the detection of region copy-move, where a region of pixels is pasted without any change to another location in the image. A common form of digital tampering is Copy-Move forgery, in which a part of the image itself is copied and pasted into another part of the same image to conceal an important object. Because the copied part come from the same image, its important properties, such as noise, Shape, color and texture, will be compatible with the rest of the image and thus will be more difficult to distinguish and detect. In the preprocessing stage the RGB image is converted into grayscale image. Apply SIFT algorithm using to find the keypoints. SIFT Algorithm is used to detect the keypoint localization. Good keypoints and features should represent distinct locations in an image, be efficient to compute and robust to local geometrical distortion, noise, illumination variations and other degradations. Here, present SIFT features detection method to find the duplicate. Specifically, to detect the locations, of potential duplicated regions, we first detect SIFT keypoints in an image. The detected keypoints are matched using hashing algorithm. We can use the matched SIFT keypoints to estimate the affine transform parameters, but the obtained results are inaccurate due to the large number of mismatched keypoints. To find out the unreliable keypoints we use Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm then use the Affine transform. Finally detect the duplicate region. The following diagram shows the way to find the copy move forgery. Raw image is considered as the forgery image. Normally the raw image is RGB image. That RGB image is converting into gray scale. This is the preprocessing stage. Noise removal also includes the preprocessing stage. The steps involved in proposed method as follows. First step to find out the keypoints using SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform). Find the keypoints then perform the matching keypoints procedure. Matching keypoints is using the Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Matching is easy to find out the hash buckets. This hash is found the similar values or keypoints. Duplicate region is detected after matching. Find the duplicate region using the RANSAC (RANdom SAMple Consensus) algorithm. Fig 3.1 Block diagram of forgery detection A. Finding keypoints In the preprocessing stage the RGB image is converted into grayscale image. Apply SIFT algorithm for finding the keypoints. SIFT algorithm consist of the following stages: Scale-space extrema detection Keypoint localization Orientation assignment Generation of keypoint descriptors Good keypoints and features should represent distinct locations in an image, be efficient to compute and robust to local geometrical distortion, illumination variations, noise and other degradations. Here, to present a new region duplication detection methods based on the image SIFT features. Specifically, to detect the locations, of potential duplicated regions, first detect SIFT keypoints in an image. And compute the SIFT features for such keypoints. To ensure the obtained feature vector invariant to rotation and scaling, the size of the neighborhood is determined by the dominant scale of the keypoint, and all gradients within are aligned with the keypoints dominant orientation dominant orientation. B. Matching keypoints The similar keypoints can be found out using Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) technique. Previous year a k-d tree algorithm used to detect the keypoint. This is taken more time search to compute the similar values. Locality Sensitive Hashing easy to detect the similar values. Locality-sensitive hashing(LSH) is a method of performing probabilisticdimension reductionof high-dimensional data. The basic idea is tohashthe input items so that similar items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability (the number of buckets being much smaller than the universe of possible input items). This is different from the conventional hash functions, such as those used incryptographyas in this case the goal is to maximize probability of collision of similar items rather than avoid collisions. C. Duplicate Region RANSAC algorithm used to detect the error. This means SIFT produce the keypoints then Locality Sensitive Hashing used to find the similar keypoints. Locality Sensitive Hashing has the bucket. Each bucket contains the index that index contain the values of keypoints. RANSAC algorithm reduces the error. Instead of RANSAC using the Affine transformation. So it will easily to find out the error of scale, rotation and transformation of copy move forgery detection. CONCLUSION In particular the human eye does not easily find out the copied region. The regions may be scaling or rotation type of manipulations. The goal of copy-move forgery is detecting duplicate image regions. Copy move forgery is difficult to identify the duplicate image region. SIFT is used to detect the keypoints of given image. SIFT is Scale Invariant Feature Transform. So it focused to detect the Scale and transformation. Good keypoints and features should represent distinct locations in an image, be efficient to compute and robust to local geometrical distortion, illumination variations, noise and other degradations. Here, we present a new region duplication detection method based on the image SIFT features. Locality Sensitive Hashing detects the similar keypoints. Finally RANSAC algorithm used to find the duplicate image region. REFERENCE [1] Rohini. R. Maind, Alka Khade, D. K. Chitre â€Å"Robust Image Copy move Forgery Detection† International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR) ISSN: 2278-7844, Vol. 2, Issue 8, 2013. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

The 1966 Impala vs. 1996 Impala SS :: essays research papers

The 1966 Impala vs. 1996 Impala SS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is hard to believe how the Impala has changed over the last thirty years. It went from a step up from an average car to what it is now, a full size luxury car with all of the options.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chevrolet built the Impala in 1966 with very little standard options. It came with a bench seat, AM Radio, lap safety belts, 283 cubic inch V-8, and manual transmission. They did not construct the car with any form of emission system. The federal government did not require car companies to equip the car with emissions systems until 1968. The emission systems helped to reduce pollution emitted from the car. During the mid-sixties, engines started to get bigger and more powerful. One option for the Impala was the Super Sport model, more widely known as the SS. This option gave the car a 396 cu. in. engine, four speed manual transmission, heavier duty suspension and all of the SS insignias. If you were buying any car in 1966 you could order it with each individual option that you wanted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They built the Impala SS in 1996 with many standard options. It came with bucket seats, a console, automatic transmission, shifter on the floor, leather seats, seventeen inch aluminum rims, all season radials, and the LT1 engine(commonly in the Corvette). This car was built with all kinds of safety equipment, emission systems, and a computer to control the entire car. The emission system on the car is approved for 1998 emission standards. The safety equipment on the Impala SS is lap/shoulder seat belts, dual air bags, and crumple zones. The computers on today's new cars control the engine, the fuel injection, the emission systems, the air bags, the transmission, the cooling system, the instrument gauges and all of the warning lights. On the 1996 Impala SS, the options came in packages. If you just wanted air conditioning with the car, you would have to buy the package with air conditioning included. The car companies devised putting options into packages so they could produce many identical cars and still can sell them with some guarantee.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The 1966 Impala was designed very differently than the 1996 Impala SS. In 1966, the Impala was built with a steel frame and metal body panels. This design made the car very strong and durable that is one main reason you see many old cars still in running today. Cars were also built with chrome. You do not see that on many new cars. The 1966 Impala, I think they built it with style,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

To Kill a Mocking Bird

In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mocking Bird, Atticus Finch possesses many characteristics that shape him as a man, a lawyer and a father. Atticus is a wise man, devoted to justice and equality, and who feels it is his duty to live his public life as he does his private life. Atticus is also a very honest and loving father who has nothing but the best intentions for his children, Scout and Jem. Atticus is devoted to putting his legal profession before his self-image, or public perception, and is able to realize that the individual worth of a man without incorporating physical appearances.All the positive characteristics Atticus Finch possesses contribute to the reason why he is very respected and liked by most of the people of Macomb County as well as his family and close friends. Atticus living his public life as he does his private life defines what he stands for and holds a duty he feels is important for him to fulfill as a man. When Atticus and Sherriff Heck Tate discuss what ca used Bob Ewell’s death the night he attacked Jem and Scout, the Sheriff tells Atticus that Bob killed himself when he fell on his knife.However, Atticus does not believe Heck and he believes that Jem killed Bob and tells Heck Tate â€Å"If they [Scout and Jem] hear me saying downtown something different happened-Heck I wont have them anymore. I cant live one way in town and another way in my home. †(367) This quote shows Atticus is willing and devoted to make any sacrifice to live an honest and unconcealed life including letting the public know, Jem killed Bob Ewell.Atticus always tries to be the best father he can by trying to get his kids to notice and appreciate all of the good things that are present in the world even in such a prejudice and discriminatory town such as Maycomb during the 1930’s. When Atticus and Jem are talking about the recently deceased Mrs. Dubose, Atticus tells Jem. â€Å"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It is knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. †(149) By telling this to Jem Atticus taught Jem an important life lesson.He taught Jem success is not always about winning, but instead just trying to fight for a good cause. Atticus believed you were successful if you fought for a good cause, even if you failed. Atticus is committed to always doing the right thing when it comes to his profession whether it means he will be risking his reputation or even his life. This trait of Atticus is clearly demonstrated when Scout questions Atticus about the Tom Robinson case and says, â€Å"Atticus, are we going to win it† and he replies â€Å"No, honey† which leads to her question â€Å"Then why-† (101).Atticus is revealing to Scout that even though he has more to lose than to gain out of this situation he is accepting of that because he is doing what his conscience is telling him is the noble , fair thing to do, and he is trying to ignore all the negative influences that appears to him in Maycomb County. This is also revealed when Atticus is protecting Tom from a group of dangerous men who are looking for revenge outside the jail. Atticus holds them off and risks his own safety to protect Tom because he knew Tom did not deserve what those men outside the jail were looking to do to him that night. Atticus is a humble, honest and devoted man.He is one of the few people in society who puts the needs of others before himself. By sharing the characteristics he acquired over many years with his children he is supporting them with the foundation to living a morally good life according to the standards of what they believe is right and wrong and not what it is made out to be by society. By sharing his knowledge and skills as a lawyer with those who are wrongfully convicted he is establishing justice in those parts in which justice seems not to exist. Atticus Finch is a man of go od moral who sets a perfect example for those who are looking for a role model, a hero, and a loving father. To kill a mocking bird To Kill a Mockingbird Courage cannot be defined with simple words but rather by an individual's actions. Despite many different definitions courage is someone's internal fortitude to do something that may frighten others. In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Gem's definition of courage changes from the beginning to the end of the book. At the beginning of the book Gem's definition of courage is from an innocent perspective and by the end of the book Gem has an experienced definition of courage.Gem learns the lea definition of courage from it being demonstrated in his everyday life in Macomb. At the beginning of Harper Lee's , To Kill a Mockingbird Gem shows a naive, innocent view of courage because of his fears. Dill dears Gem to touch the Raddled house, which has always been one of his worst fears. Gem displays courage by touching the Raddled and hides his angst when reporting back to Dill and Scout. Gem dreads touching the Raddled house only because of his scary childlike imagi nation. Lee writes,†Gem threw open the gate and sped to the side of the house, slapped it with is alma and ran back past us†(118).Gem's courage comes into play when he is told to do something he terrifies by his peers. Gem continues to demonstrate an innocent perspective of courage in the early part of the novel. Gem still has an inexperienced view of courage because he is still at a youth and is immature to his surroundings. Gem's youthful imagination forms ideas to get in contact with the horrifying Boo Raddled. He decides to put a note on a fishing pole and stick it threw the Raddled window. The note was asking Boo out for ice cream, so the children can meet him.Harper Lee says, â€Å"Were asking him real politely to come out sometimes, and tell us what he does in there – we said we wouldn't hurt him and we'd buy him an ice cream† (62). Gem's perspective of courage is slowly starting to advance because he was scared to death when he first went on the Rad dled property. Gem demonstrates an innocent perspective on courage by engaging in childish games but he begins to learn the real view of courage by witnessing his dad in action. Gem believes Tactics doesn't have courage until he shoots the Mad Dog to save the community from harm, UT Gem's view is still a naive one.The Mad Dog is beginning to approach in the distance when Officer Heck Tate throws Tactics the gun. Tactics takes the gun and walks to the center of the street showing no hesitation. Even though Tactics hasn't shot a gun in 30 years he kills Mad Dog with a single shot showing an outrageous amount of courage. Lee states, â€Å"In the fog, Gem watched our father take the gun and walk out into the middle of the street† (127). Tactics has an abundant amount of courage, even to something that he hasn't done in 30 years. Although Gem thinksTactics shooting the dog is courageous, he learns the real definition through the actions of Mrs.. Dubos. Gem's adult definition of co urage is beginning to form from experience in the Macomb community. Gem learns the real definition of courage from Mrs.. Dubos who was a recovering morphine addict . Mrs.. Dubos makes a goal for herself to die free of her weakness. She dies UN-addicted to morphine and she is Gem's real definition of courage. Harper Lee says, â€Å"When you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what† (119).Mrs.. Double's fight exemplifies to Gem, no matter how hard something looks to never give up. Mrs.. Dubos didn't give up on her morphine addiction and came out on top. Mrs.. Debase teaches Gem the true definition of courage, and Gem does a fantastic Job exemplifying it in front of the courthouse. Gem is beginning to have an experienced adult like sense of courage. In front of the courthouse Tactics is sitting one night and the mob shows up asking to see Tom Robinson. Gem and the kids run to Tactics because they knew his life is in danger.Tactics tells the kids to leave and Gem shows an extraordinary amount of courage saying that he wasn't leaving. A mob member grabbers Gem telling Tactics he will make him leave. Scout stares kicking the man in the shins and eventually put Gem down. Gem still refuses to leave his father and tells him we are staying. Lee says† Tactics stood trying to make Gem mind him. I ant going was his steady answer to Attic's threat request and finally † please take them home Gem† (204). Gem not leaving his fathers side until the mob departed shows how courageous Gem is becoming.Gem demonstrates an innocent perspective on courage by engaging in childish games, but he begins to learn the real view of courage witnessing his dad in action. Gem is beginning to demonstrate a more experienced sense of courage, from confronting the mob to saving Scout from Bob Lowell. Although Gem previously had a naive perspective of courage he now has a more experienced and adult like sense of courage. Gem and Scou t are attacked when walking home from the Halloween play. Gem pushes Bob Lowell off of Scout saving her from any serious injuries.If Gem didn't push Bob Lowell off of Scout then he would eve mostly likely stabbed and killed her. Gem Jumped in and freed Scout from being harmed potentially in any way. Harper Lee states, â€Å"His stomach was soft but his arms were like steel. He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could not move. Suddenly he Jerked me back and forth to the ground, almost carrying me with him† (351). Gem will not let Bob Lowell hurt his little sister in anyway so he does everything in his power to protect her from being injured. After Gem learns the real actions of courage and has an experienced view he saves Scout from Bob Lowell. To Kill a Mocking Bird Harper Lee’s To kill a mockingbird was written to portray the racism and the moral conscience of the mind within society. It is set in the 1930’s which is after the Great Depression and a starting movement for the Civil Rights fight in the USA. The novel was written in the 1960’s portraying the universal contextual issues of racism existed then and even now. Lee uses multiple narrative techniques to explore the major inequality and injustice of life but also allow the audience to know that these contextual ideas and issues can be broken and change. Maycomb is set up by Lee to reflect the racism of society as well as its injustice and inequality that many ‘black’ men and women faced in the 1930’s – 1960’s. Tom Robinson, an African American that has been created by Lee to become the symbol of the injustice and inequality of Maycomb. The town ceases to acknowledge the equality and justice of life and conform to racism like most towns and countries at the time. The handful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Lee’s use of innuendo portrays Maycomb as an ignorant town, with racism mixed within their everyday lives and the racial inequalities that are given to all African American. Lee’s uses of dialogues distinguish the racial segregation between the white and black people of Maycomb and the social class that they are categorised as. Harper Lee shows the juxtaposition of the two different races by portraying it through their dialogues, th is is most effectively shown through the court scene when Tom Robinson was being crossed examine by Mr Gilmer. Tom answers always start with â€Å"Yes, sir† whereas Mr Gilmer refers to him as a â€Å"boy†, this use of slang juxtaposes to the formal high classed words of Tom’s which conveyed the audience the contrast between a white and black American and suggests that a white skinned person is not any better than an African American. The juxtaposition also allowed the readers to sympathised with Tom Robinson and feel outraged as Tom is being called a ‘boy’. Emphasising the racial segregation of the 1930’s when the Great Depression drove fear into the white people and made them believe that the African Americans are taking over their jobs. Symbols are also used to convey the audience about the racial injustice and inequality that life has created. A â€Å"mockingbird† has been killed when Tom was convicted and shot in jail; the symbolism of a mockingbird is Harper Lee's representation of an innocent, kind hearted being and a ‘sin’ is put upon the white racist people of Maycomb. Another ymbolism is the ‘roly-poly’ inside the Finches’ house, when Scout wanted to crushed it, Jem told her: â€Å"They don’t bother you† the assonance of the letter ‘o’ echoes an angelic sound, this also symbolises Tom Robinson as he doesn’t bother anyone but due to his skin colour he is treated differently, just like the ‘roly-poly’ in Scout’s room, it canâ€⠄¢t help itself but be who it is. The use of these symbols throughout the novel creates a nature motif, highlighting that the nature is harmonised and peaceful in its own way. These symbols and motifs effectively highlight the racism of society and its influences on the injustice of life. The trial of Tom Robinson resonate the injustice that most African American suffered in the USA in 1930’s. The justice system that said to give all men of all race in the USA fair justice fail to do its job and was shown through the jury and the racial inequality that they gave Tom Robinson. â€Å"When it’s a white man’s words against a black man’s, the white man always wins† Lee’s use of repetition of the word ‘white’ and ‘man’ further emphasises the injustice of the social order and also allows the audience to experience and be able to feel the empathy for the African American. The white jury symbolises the injustice and racial inequality prejudice that has been created for the society. Though Atticus had proved to the jury that Tom was innocent and the evidences are undeniable, they still convicted Tom as guilty though inside, they know it’s them that are guilty. The oxymoron, ‘They couldn’t be fair if they tried’ holds a contradictory thought, suggesting that racism has been weaved into the fabric of the town and the justice system; hence the men couldn’t be fair. Even though the town is contaminated with its injustice and racism, Lee still allows some hope to shine. The character Atticus is an example of this. Lee portrays Atticus throughout the novel as a responsible father, a fine citizen and the most compassionate person within the small town. â€Å"The shadow of a new beginning† this metaphor said by Atticus allows Lee to reflect the society of 1960’s and even today’s society. The use of shadow suggests that a new beginning is approaching because shadows are always connected to its owner and it is always nearby. This also shows that Atticus has the most moral within Maycomb and that with his teachings, Jem and Scout would be able to be the new generation of hope that would stop the segregation. Lee uses the character developments of Scout to present the innocence and pure thoughts of a child in contrast to the growing up Jem who is starting to learn the way life works and that it is classified. â€Å"There’s four kinds of folks in the world. † – Jem the quote suggests the segregation and its inequality as to how people are categorised and divided, this is all due to the racism and social inequality. However, Scout said: â€Å"I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks. † this quote shows the naive thinking and an innocent perspective of a child, helping Lee to convey to the audience that life is not always that easy, but there are some sparks of hope for the racist and injustice society of the USA. Harper Lee was able to display the segregation of race and the injustice of life through To kill a mocking bird shows that the moral conscience is the most important aspects a human can possess. Atticus, Universal contextual issues†¦ To kill a mocking bird represents the racism that everyday lives hold. Harper Lee showed the contextual issues within society through multiple uses of narrative techniques. Racism, the injustice of society and the human’s * Tom Robinson, a black man becomes the victim of racial inequality as he was accused by Bob Ewell, a white trash, of a crime that he did not commit. Harper Lee’s To kill a mocking bird represents

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Introduction of Information Technology Related to Hotel and Restaurant Management

Chapter II Review of Related Literature Students look forward to the opportunity to choose their academic plans and classes. According to the enhanced cognitive engagement theory, allowing students to choose which classes they enroll in increases motivation and independence which in turn increases a student's cognitive processing and performance, however, the task of course selection is very complex with multiple considerations, most of which overlap with one another.Students are influenced by the different academic portions of the class such as the value of the content, the structure, and the workload. They also have to decide what is important to them with regards to their interests, personal academic goals, and their schedule. But students do not make these decisions alone because they do occasionally seek advice from their family, faculty, and/or friends. Not all of the different considerations of a course are as influential as others, but it is important to know what students wa nt from their classes, what they expect of themselves, and who they will listen to.Educators and schools need to know this information; especially those of elective courses so they can meet the needs of students and have them continue to enroll in their class. More importantly though, if teachers can adapt their classes to better meet the needs of students the students will be more engaged which will increase their comprehension and excitement for the curriculum, which should be any teacher's ultimate goal. The following paper provides further analysis on the most current research based on influential factors of course enrollment.The first section deals with the academic considerations such as, value and execution, teacher, and workload. The student must also take into consideration their own personal preferences of their interests, capabilities, gender, and their schedule, which is explained throughout the second section. The third component deals with the influential sources a stu dent may listen to including their family, peers, and the faculty at their school. Finally, the gaps and limitations of the research are discussed along with the need of further research. Reference: (http://voices. ahoo. com/the-factors-influence-students-decision-for-8258751. html) Each course is a unique mix of many different ingredients — from subject matter, to fellow students, to the jobs it leads to. The following points can be used as a checklist of things you need to find out about courses of interest. Think about what you will learn and how you’ll learn it . Subject matter is the first step to success is studying something you are interested in. Intellectual style, some courses are mainly ‘quantitative' (how's your maths? ), others are ‘verbal' or language based.Some encourage you to have your own ideas, ask the big questions and find out about the world. Work patterns, courses vary in the time students spend in lectures, tutorials, studios and lab classes and completing self-directed study. Some courses also have an industry-based learning component. If it is tough to study and pass. Some fields of study are notoriously tough, with high failure and drop-out rates. How long they take, VET certificates generally take a year or less of full-time study, diplomas and advanced diplomas around two years and bachelor degrees three or four years.Double degrees, ‘honours' courses and part-time programs will take longer. How much choice they allow, some courses require all students to complete the same ‘core’ subjects, while others allow you to choose a lot of electives. International study opportunities, optional summer study tours or study abroad and exchange programs may offer credit towards some courses. How you can study, courses may be offered full time, part time, by distance education or on an accelerated trimester schedule. Not all courses offer all options.Quality, regardless of their subject matter, course s should be well run by experienced staff and (if applicable) meet industry standards.Reference:(http://gooduniguide. com. au/School-Leavers/Choosing/How-to-choose-a-course) Choosing the course that you are going to study for the next 3 or 4 years can be difficult. Course content will vary between institutions and it is important to check that the courses you are applying for cover the topics you are most interested in. Reference:(http://www2. warwick. c. uk/study/undergraduate/apply/choosing/) The number of courses you take each semester will be one of the most important factors affecting your success at school. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of choosing courses at the beginning of semester when you're rested and ready for a challenge. But you need to flash forward to mid-term – when the day-to-day reality of classes, assignments, reading, essays and exams will be all too real. Reference: (http://www. cmha. ca/youreducation/courses. html)