Friday, February 21, 2020

Oscar Wilde - the Man and his World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oscar Wilde - the Man and his World - Essay Example Being an editor, he believed that he could move fashionable social circles thereby attracting support from influential women in the society (Dierkes-Thrun, 2012). Oscar Wilde called upon to contribute to the reconstruction of lady’s world magazine which was to basically not just deal with what women wear, but with how they think and feel. The likely contributors of the magazine sought out to write with enthusiasm, with tact and avoid being extravagant and the use of vulgar language. The term lady to some level was viewed ambiguously; Wilde regarded it as having a small taint of vulgarity and extremely misleading because of the eminence of â€Å"woman question† which was a feminist movement. Wilde persisted that the magazine which seemed to be more feminine be re-named to â€Å"woman’s world† (Salamensky 2012, p.132). These changes implied that the term â€Å"lady† which was to be changed to â€Å"woman† was associated with commonness. In 1895 , Wilde in his own words would be interpreted as utterly clear evidence in his scandalous libel and criminal suits that gradually sent him to jail and eventually ended his career. This unfortunate incident did not erase his legacy. His criticism and notes have shaped the society than any other author or poet. Most noticeably, it testifies to the epigrammatic memorability of his statements and declaration and acknowledges the fact that his life meant a personality and a collection of texts and ideas. He fearlessly explored art in relation to everyday life offering unique grounds for examining or testing sexual and social culture during the Victorian era. In 1887’s October issue of the â€Å"lady’s world† the prospectus pointed out the changed names of editors of the November issue. The editors who were listed included Marie Corelli, Olive Schreiner, Mathilde Blind as well as Wilde’s wife Constance and his mother Lady Wilde. In addition, Oscar persuaded som e of the well-known writers to contribute to the witting one of them being Arthur Symons. Arthur’s first essay was on one of the major symbols in the symbolist movement â€Å"Villiers de I ‘isle Adam† which came out after Wilde left the magazine. Wilde was a determined editor of theâ€Å"woman’s world† but his enthusiasm progressively reduced over the following periods. He gradually became less functional arriving late leaving early, and generally handling at his letters carelessly and giving excuses and makeup promises to his failures (Dierkes-Thrun, 2012). Oscar Wilde’s assistant editor Arthur fish viewed the â€Å"woman’s world† magazine as to be the finest with exclusive appeal and attraction to women that was ever been published. The â€Å"woman’s world† editors manage to secure brilliant contributors producing a high level of literary content ever attained by a publishing company of its kind. Articles did not only concentrated on fashion but also devoted to distinguish or bring out women, women’s suffrage and historical events (Wilde & Murray 2000, p. 98). Arthur fish always expressed his sympathy on the views of the â€Å"woman’s world† writers revealing a liberality of thoughts regarding the political aspirations and ambitions of women that were without a doubt sincere.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Article Review II Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review II - Article Example The second topic is the negative impacts that result from implementation and expansion of Medicaid. The third issues covered in the article high are requirements that are needed for individuals to qualify for the insurance. People with a low income can access federal tax credits thereby subsidizing private health insurance. However, those living below the poverty line will not benefit from the health insurance, Medicaid or other tax credits. The instances of unfairness resulting from the policy have been experienced in a number of states. For instance, The Kansas Medicaid program offers no coverage for adults without children (Robert). The intended audiences for this article are the general public, administration, public and private health care providers as well as all stakeholders in health care. The author has involved the audience in a though provoking way. There could be bias in the article as the author is a Republican and this article may be interpreted as a criticism of the Democrat administration. Although the public might blame President Obama for the current woes in health care, the Republicans are the ones responsible for fighting against the expansion of Medicaid (Health Policy Briefs). In the health care law approved in 2010, Congressional Democrats were determined to expand Medicaid in all states. The administration has been urging people who are in need of health insurance to register on the government website to receive information of the available insurance options. The student should be evaluate the current care policies and establish whether they are effective and fair to all members of society (Virginia Gray, David and Jennifer 135). This article is important since it has the relevant information concerning the roles of various government agencies in health care. It provides explanation on the negative impacts of states’ refusal to develop Medicaid. The article spells out the states that are likely to be marginalized by this policy.