Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Death And The American Civil War - 1404 Words

This Republic of Suffering: Death and The American Civil War exposes a different perspective of the Civil War that is sparsely discussed and challenges the reader to broaden their views and beliefs of the war. Author, Drew Gilpin Faust, conducted nine chapters, or the new and transformed ars moriendi, primarily focusing on the past and present of the Civil War and its soldiers. Faust begins her book with the preface, the Work of Death, giving a brief explanation of the life changing events that took place during the war, and how drastically death affected the nation. Faust goes on to say that â€Å"the United States embarked on a new relationship with death.† The denouement of Faust’s book includes her compelling, influential epilogue, entitled Surviving. Each of her nine chapters touched on a different part of the war, and reached for a further explanation and meaning. Faust’s main ambition of her writing is to prove that the deaths of the Civil War were more co mplex than what this generation assumes. Chapter one, Dying, explained the process of an individual soldier’s death and â€Å"the concept of the Good Death.† Following, the second Chapter, Killing, talks about the force of the war on the people who were involved and the how â€Å"killing was a battle’s fundamental instrument and purpose.† In Chapters three and four, Burying and Naming, the challenges of establishing names of the dead and giving them an adequate burial is debated. The question, â€Å"What should be done with the body,†Show MoreRelatedThe American Civil War Was A Death Filled Four Years1243 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Civil War was a death filled four years. Many people died fighting for what they believed. The north, who won the war, got what they wanted; the south was able to keep their property with nearly no consequences for their actions. 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