Thursday, May 14, 2020

Genetically Modified Foods And Their Labels - 1444 Words

Genetically modified foods are products that contain genetically modified organisms. There has been some controversy that customers should be aware of the nutrient labels if the product contains genetically modified ingredients. Researching this topic is very important for everyone to understand and this topic came to mind while finding a page online called Consumer Reports, which is based from, a magazine. This page explains to people why they need to know about GMO foods and their labels. The goal of this research paper is to let customers know that using genetically modified organisms can harm the body to some extent; it could possibly harm the environment, and it could drive up the cost of grocery prices. Genetically modified organisms are created in a laboratory. They alter the genetic makeup of different plants and animals so they can produce more food for consumers. Many people don’t really know if the foods that they buy have some type of GMO ingredients that may be safe to eat. In the article it states that it is important for people to check and read labels on food products that they buy every time they go grocery shopping because it could possibly harm their bodies and someone could possibly be sick or die if they consume genetically modified foods that are not prepared correctly or labeled. The Consumer Reports National Research Center discovered that GMO’s were in many packaged foods that many people didn’t know that they were consuming. Many people say thatShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Foods And Their Labels1447 Words   |  6 PagesGenetically Modified Foods Genetically modified foods are products that contain genetically modified organisms. There has been some controversy that customers should be aware on the nutrient labels if the product contains genetically modified ingredients. 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